Python has been dominating the computing world for 35 years now and it is considered to be the most popular programming language. Java, being another major programming language, seems to get surpassed by Python. According to IEEE Spectrum’s 2020 rankings for programming languages, Python has topped the list.
However, the rank does not help in eliminating the issues associated with the language. Python does not work on a browser and also does not function properly on a smartphone. Additionally, modern programmers do not prefer Python for building games. The recent developers work with JavaScript, PHP, TypeScript, etc for browser applications, and for mobile, they trust Google Dart or Apple Swift.
Despite all the issues Python still manages to be the most commonly-used programming language. The main reason behind Python’s popularity is that the language is very simple and easy to read and write, because it is an interpreted language. This feature helps the programmers to conveniently code without stressing about any perplexity.
It sends the instructions through an interpreter, which converts codes into a language that can be understood by a computer. The programmer can easily work on the project by downloading the Python interpreter to write codes and later execute it by themselves. Python is very different from a compiled language because it allows codes to run on different platforms and also make the execution process more efficient.
According to a programming specialist, Python in general is highly applicable and expanding. One fact is that smartphone and browser applications will always be there. Python, however, does not support these two major domains and the restriction that comes with the language is making it more difficult for developers to create an application that has graphical user interfaces. On the other hand, Python is dominating three major fields: web development, data science, and scripting.
Web Development – Django and Flask are two recent frameworks that are based on Python have become quite popular. The purpose of these frameworks is to create backend codes in Python, and these codes are run on the server, not on browsers or users’ devices.
Data Science – This includes data analysis, machine learning, and data visualization. Many machine learning frameworks are supported by Python, which helps in implementing algorithms that can detect patterns automatically from a given input, like it was commented on in last week’s blog. Data analysis and visualization with Python is very convenient and easy to start with.
Scripting – Scripting means writing small programs that are built to make simple tasks self-operating. Python is the preferred application for such tasks because it has simpler syntax and supports easy and quick writing of smaller tasks.
Python is not easy to replace when it comes to scripting and backend systems but, eventually, its developers might need to think beyond data analysis to support web browsers and smartphones because of the market dynamics, and the fact that programmers are always interested in innovative tools and techniques. Nevertheless, It is not likely Python is going to change its focus from data science and backend anytime soon, because that’s where it has the most benefit. Additionally, Python is not in the same race as the new programming languages, and it's keen on providing simpler yet innovative solutions to the programmers. The only real way to know what’s to come is keeping up with the technology.
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